Hi, I’m Marcos Soares

Software Engineering Manager, enthusiastic about software development, new technologies, Cloud Computing / AWS, Infrastructure Security, Agile, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Economics, Finance and Investments.

Software Engineering Manager at Tesla, San Francisco, California.
- 14+ years of experience on highly scalable, reliable and available solutions
- B.Sc. in Information Systems and Postgraduate in Design and Systems Development
- Multiple certifications in Agile, Cloud Computing using Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Technologies
- Absolute passionate on providing training, presenting, teaching and interacting with team members
- Tech-savvy, self-taught professional which learns completely new technologies in a heartbeat
Industry experience
E-Commerce B2C/B2B, Accounting, Sales, Finance, Investments, Investor Relations, Taxes, Retail, Telecommunications, Health and Automotive industry.
Details: marcos-soares-slipmp-certifications.pdf

Please visit my LinkedIn for a complete updated profile.
Latest blog posts
- Learning Go – Structs, Methods & InterfacesIt’s been a while since I posted here. But I’ve been working hard on my YouTube channel, creating content weekly. I’ve noticed an increase in confidence while making these videos, adding my opinion and tips along the way. Videos are… Continue Reading →
- Learning Go by example – Constants, For, If-Else & SwitchHey everyone, Today I’ve uploaded a new video, a contribution towards our Learning Go journey. It was covered Constants, For, If-Else and Switch Statements. Enjoy!
- YouTube – A new Software development channelWhat a Journey has it been being working on this wonderful industry of Software Engineering. I’ve shared content multiple times, through this blog, countless time through Lunch n’ Learn sessions at all companies I’ve worked. Hosted session at my house… Continue Reading →